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About Media Micro

Five factors to know and consider for the Mac and PC integrated vertical market:

Same ownership as day one

How many other consultancies in this vertical can say that? We add experience, stability, and staying power to meet your needs. A lot of people get into this business and a lot of consultancies change hands and hence direction. Nothing is more disruptive to an entity than finding out their computer consultant is out of business or has changed their vertical market focus.

Unbiased Support of Mac and PC

Without bias, and with equal diligence and knowledge we support both the Mac and PC platforms. From what we have seen its either been one or the other for platform support. The consultants in this business are either too emotionally tied to one OS or lack the resources to support both platforms on an equal level. We have been following and forming our own best practices for integration that any rivals would have a hard time matching.

We are a national consultancy

With offices in Chicago, Houston, New York, and San Jose, we are able to provide nationwide coverage for main and remote offices.

Securing the network

If security does not include every node on the network, then the network is not secure. We are able to insure that the Mac's are just as protected behind the firewall as the PCs.

Vendor relationships

From the beginning we have always had strong relationships with our vendors. Countless times we have been able to prioritize product delivery and provide specialized product knowledge faster than anyone else.